How I Saved $13,000 Last Year In Roseville

The average insurance premium in 2017 has been about $400/mo per person. Which is 22% higher than the average premium of $321 for 2016 open enrollment. The average deductible per person is just over $4000. This means for a family of three you are going to spend out-of-pocket over $14,000 a year in premiums and then another $12,000+ a year in deductibles (some family discounts may apply).
Chiropractic care cost $1092/year per adult to be under wellness care at one adjustment a week here. That cost is less for a second adult and only about $500 for a child 12 and under. That same family of three in the above example under wellness here would spend about $2500. That is 5.7 times LESS costly or a savings of $11,900 upfront if you don’t even use insurance like my family and even more like $24,000 if you had to pay all those deductibles. Then you have to consider that Chiropractic patients take 85% less medication. Have 60% fewer hospital admissions, 62% fewer outpatient surgeries, and spend more than 50% less in healthcare. The savings is off the charts.
People ask me all the time questions that are based on who is covered under their insurance policy. The problem with this line of thinking is that the foundation of the question is the issue, to begin with.
Give up your insurance policy. It doesn't ensure that you end up in good health. In fact, it doesn't actually ensure anything other than you'll probably be sick when you use it, and sicker because of using it. Most people using “health insurance”(really its sick care insurance) are short-sighted about how to create health in the first place and are listening to “health professionals” who are just reactive and have not studied and dedicated their lives to proactive real health care.
Get on a Health sharing plan, there are tons out there. The cost can be as little as $45/mo for an individual and there are family plans that cost roughly $400/mo (no limit on kids). No or low deductibles are available. They cover everything that should be covered and nothing that shouldn't. Then save money for other healthy habits. Some of the people I know that use their health insurance the most are some of the sickest people I know.
If you need more help with this ask any of your Roseville Chiropractors since we all have used this model for years. My health sharing plan cost my 4 person family about $1,750 in premiums last year which saved me more than $13,000 in one year! Some companies to look into Samaritan Ministries and Christian Healthcare Ministries.
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:30pm - 6:00pm
3:30pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 10:00am
3:30pm - 6:00pm
3:30pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 10:00am
9:30am - 10:30am
*Special Appointments such as NEW PATIENTS & X-RAY VIEWINGS may be scheduled outside of these hours.
Bandana Chiropractic and Wellness Center
1912 Lexington Avenue North Suite 250
Roseville, MN 55113